Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kona Inspired Results 4/4/2013 - UHD Shows Love

Todays view count is not what I would have hoped for, but I am not discouraged by any means.  We have moved from 4th place to 6th place.  That is not surprising considering that our view counts for the past three days have been considerably smaller than the other leaders.  This competition is very hard and your dedication to daily voting is imperative to the success.  Thank you to the 32 that viewed the Shawn's Ironman video on their computers. Here are the results:
Views Daily Views
1 Fireman Brian's Mission 10073 904
2 Kona hopeful F16 pilot 9922 537
3 Boudousa Brain 7615 523
4 I'm Dean Bullock, I Have Brain Cancer 6981 790
5 Suck It Cancer 3379 214
6 Shawn's Ironman 3003 32
7 Green Dot (Henry Tolstedt) 2589 125
8 The Quadfather (Nick Tieney) 1260 11
9 Dr. Martin Jay Hernandez Motivational Specialist 1249 86
10 Eric Yollick (Team Yollick) 1165 35
11 From the Bathroom to Kona 1096 174
12 Dad's Great Day 705 62
13 Kona for the Kids 624 96
14 Isabella' Legacy 621 6
15 Operation Brain Tumor (Ted Pepenhagen II) 484 30
16 Happy Birthday Ironman 481 2
17 Spirit of Hawaii (Anja Kraft) 402 15
18 Jacob Fuka_Kona Inspired 364 61
19 Iron driven lifestyle 323 8
20 The Opportunity 319 1
21 Kona Inspired, Ironman retun…Heart Condition 304 82
22 I am ... "Anything is possible" (Milan Dubravka) 299 4
23 A race for the women in my life 297 7
24 Crash To Kona (TychoRiis Weiche) 273 2
25 my biggest dream (Christian Schon) 237 4
26 Dean Kashlan Mantra (Dean Kashlan) 210 1
28 Choose to be well! 175 19
29 Life Long Journey 149 18

I am very optimistic that we are going to make a nice climb soon because of things that happened today.  First off, for those that may not know, I went back to school to get a degree in communication/PR and non-profit leadership management.  I chose to go to University of Houston Downtown to take the classes.  A lot of my classmates have been very supportive, but today I can announce that the public affairs have announced to all of the students about my journey.  Check out the front page of their website under NEWS!

This has stirred up the local news media and I am happy to announce that CW39 Newsfix will be interviewing me tomorrow.  I will let every know as soon as I know about when it will air.

I also want to thank Meghan, founder of Avery's Angels, for posting on her Facebook page about the flag and what is represents.  All of this helps.

Remember one can change the world, but when the community comes together "Anything is Possible" just happens faster!

Thank You again!