Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Kona Inspired Results 4/10/2013 - We Are Winning!

No, we are not winning in the amount of votes or views, but victory is still upon us.  Why you may ask? Well, it is because everyday of this voting period, I have received a message or email from some parent saying they appreciate what we are doing and it has encouraged them or gave them hope.  So even if we don't make it to Kona, we are still winning.

Here are the view results for today:
Views Daily Views
1 Jacob Fuka_Kona Inspired 32083 12392
2 Fireman Brian's Mission 31257 9157
3 IRONMAN-BAWDO 27333 3321
4 I'm Dean Bullock, I Have Brain Cancer 15661 2744
5 Kona hopeful F16 pilot 14939 1716
6 Boudousa Brain 10781 665
7 Suck It Cancer 4534 366
8 Shawn's Ironman 3597 183
9 Dr. Martin Jay Hernandez Motivational Specialist 3073 757
10 Kona Inspired, Ironman retun…Heart Condition 3029 470
11 Green Dot (Henry Tolstedt) 2846 58
12 Kona for the Kids 1863 326
13 From the Bathroom to Kona 1556 195
14 The Quadfather (Nick Tieney) 1473 24
15 Eric Yollick (Team Yollick) 1370 6
16 Dad's Great Day 938 36
17 Spirit of Hawaii (Anja Kraft) 863 50
19 Isabella' Legacy 674 8
20 Operation Brain Tumor (Ted Pepenhagen II) 568 11
21 Happy Birthday Ironman 512 5
22 Iron driven lifestyle 389 9
23 Choose to be well! 375 38
24 The Opportunity 348 4
25 A race for the women in my life 346 6
26 I am ... "Anything is possible" (Milan Dubravka) 330 7
27 Crash To Kona (TychoRiis Weiche) 313 9
28 Life Long Journey 278 24
29 my biggest dream (Christian Schon) 273 9
30 Dean Kashlan Mantra (Dean Kashlan) 237 5
31 My thanks to ironman 133 47

I would like to put a slight emphasis on Daily View counts again.  We are still in 8th place, but as you can see we are losing ground daily to those ahead of us and those behind us are gain ground based on views.  Just remember, keep doing what you are doing by voting and sharing daily.  I recommend that you always try to be unique with your introduction of the video.  Sure, it is my dream to race in Kona, but this is not about me.  This is about bring HOPE to hundreds to thousands of families and educating millions on how common, costly, and critical birth defects are in our society.  The journey is long but worth it!  Thank you for your support!