Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Kona Inspired 4/2/2012 - Need Momentum

Todays report may look like the last couple of days but sometimes looks can be deceiving.  Here are the results:
Views Daily Views
1 Kona hopeful F16 pilot 7711 1109
2 Boudousa Brain 6168 813
3 Fireman Brian's Mission 5801 1380
4 Shawn's Ironman 2887 54
5 Suck It Cancer 2583 298
6 Green Dot (Henry Tolstedt) 2339 97
7 The Quadfather (Nick Tieney) 1172 25
8 Eric Yollick (Team Yollick) 924 14
9 Dr. Martin Jay Hernandez Motivational Specialist 765 531
10 Isabella' Legacy 588 10
11 From the Bathroom to Kona 561 147
12 Dad's Great Day 478 136
13 Happy Birthday Ironman 465 9
14 Kona for the Kids 415 101
15 Operation Brain Tumor (Ted Pepenhagen II) 401 23
16 Spirit of Hawaii (Anja Kraft) 360 28
17 The Opportunity 308 10
18 Iron driven lifestyle 288 19
19 I am ... "Anything is possible" (Milan Dubravka) 286 7
20 Crash To Kona (TychoRiis Weiche) 262 11
21 A race for the women in my life 262 8
22 my biggest dream (Christian Schon) 220 8
23 Dean Kashlan Mantra (Dean Kashlan) 198 6
25 Life Long Journey 75 27
26 Choose to be well! 61 51
27 Kona Inspired, Ironman retun…Heart Condition 53 43

Thank you all for your support.  As you can tell, we are still in 4th place, but our daily online vote is considerably lower than the top leaders.  We are also losing a lot of ground to those that are ahead of us.  I ask you please remember this is not a sprint race, this a marathon that will require your daily votes and shares.

If you are on Facebook, share with all your friends in your status this message.

What would you did if this happened to your child? Please VOTE & SHARE www.sendshawnsironmantokona.com

If you on Twitter, please post:

Vote & RT to send @shawnsironman to Kona to fight birth defects www.sendshawnsironmantokona.com

Thank you warriors!  Keep up the great work!