Monday, March 25, 2013

Kona Inspired 3/25/2013

Hello everyone!  Here is the update so far of our progress.  I am happy to say that we are currently in 2nd when it comes to views.  I know that views are that what counts and votes do, but since it is the only way we can monitor how we are doing, I have to use that as our way to keep track.  Here is the results of the views:

1 Boudousa Brain 3128
2 Shawn's Ironman 1552
3 Green Dot (Henry Tolstedt) 1474
4 Kona hopeful F16 pilot 1228
5 The Quadfather (Nick Tieney) 817
6 Isabella' Legacy 482
7 Happy Birthday Ironman 400
8 The Opportunity 261
9 I am ... "Anything is possible" (Milan Dubravka) 237
10 Crash To Kona (TychoRiis Weiche) 210
11 A race for the women in my life 177
12 Operation Brain Tumor (Ted Pepenhagen II) 171
13 my biggest dream (Christian Schon) 154
14 Dean Kashlan Mantra (Dean Kashlan) 144
15 Fireman Brian's Mission 72
16 Eric Yollick (Team Yollick) 18

As I stated, we are in second, but 1st, 3rd and 4th place videos had more views than the Shawn's Ironman video.  I have decided that this may because of "Already Voted Madness"

(Expect Sarcasm Now)

Several of you have explained that you have tried to video on your mobile device daily, but the device would not allow you and tell you that you already voted.  I decided to put out this PSA to help those that may be frustrated and have had been affected by "Already Voted Madness"  Please watch and share:

(End Sarcasm Now)

I want to thank all of you for your support.  You are my strength, and I hope that you can be encouaged by some of the responses that I am getting from families that will be represented if you we get enough votes to get into Kona.  Here is a message I received from one of the parents: 

I spent the day feeling hopeless. Going through several spells crying. I log in and find this message from you and watch your video. 

Thank you for reminding me to NEGU and reminding me of the hope we have and must cling to.
I have liked your video and shared it on 3 pages, including the page of a mentoring group I am in - a whole new audiance that is global. I hope it spreads.

We hope it spreads too, but you have to share it to make it spread.  This journey means a lot to a lot of people.  Please keep up the great work.  Thanks again!