I realize that followers of this journey may not be a passionate as I am about helping out other families with children affected by conditions like Shawn. I realize that people's lives are busy and they are not able to follow the blog as much as they wanted to or at all. I realize that money is tight and even giving $5 dollars to the medical research may be a stretch for your budget. I know that everyone values their personal time may not have the time to volunteer or help with Shawn's Anomaly.
I realize all those things, but are those the real reasons why?
After talking with some close friends about their journey, they told me that it was helpful to have a Q&A segment to their fundraising website. I am going to start one on the Shawn's Anomaly/Shawn's Ironman sight to help with questions that followers may have about the journey, Shawn's conditions, or the Shawn's Anomaly Foundation.
Can you help me? I need people to submit questions to me that either you personally would like answered, or questions that should be answered. To submit your question:
I would like to have Q&A page finished and ready to launch before the Houston Marathon (January 15, 2012), so don't hesitate. If you are reading this blog, you SHOULD submit a question. Don't think that others will submit enough questions and we don't need your help. I can tell you by experience, everyone thinks that way, and I never get correspondence back. Don't worry about offending me with a comment or question, I promise all questions will be anonymous and I will not take offense to them. All correspondence helps.
Please send me questions. I beg of you!
Update 1/6/2011 @ 12:20pm CST: According to statistics, 8 people have viewed this post and did not submit a question. I AM WATCHING AND WAITING!