Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Appreciation Before the Houston Marathon...

As I check all my gear and make sure that I am ready to run the longest I have ever ran in my entire life, I often have doubts creep as to why I am doing this. 

I sometimes say to myself, "Does anyone really care?"

Miraculously, You show up! 

Today, I had two occurrences that has pretty much had me in tears all day, and I must say that the timing was impeccable considering I got some unpleasant news last night that I would rather not go into that nearly broke my heart. 

This morning I received an email from my mother that one of the other librarians found out about our story.  She was inspired enough to email others about our story.  That sparked a chain of events that can only be explained as a miracle. I started getting countless emails from those that read the story, or watched the video on, with words of encouragment and well wishes for the Houston Marathon.  Every word I read was followed by tears of encouragement.

I will have to tell you about the second event at a later time, but let me just give you a hint.  It will get you off the couch and move you like nothing has ever done before.  

I must say, this journey is hard.  It is hard on mentally, it is hard on my family sometimes, and definately hard on my body.  When I get a comment, email, or some word of encouragment, it FUELS me to continue in ways that I can't explain.  It shows me that what I am doing IS worth it.

Thank you to all that support the Shawn's Ironman Journey, the athletes that join me as a part of Team Shawn's Anomaly, and those that donate to the Shawn's Anomaly Fund.  Ultimately the Shawn's Anomaly mission to prevent another family from ever going through what we did with Shawn without education, hope, and help is what this is all about.

Thanks again and see you at the finish line!