Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The 2013 Chapter and Beyond

I am excited that my journey to become "Shawn's Ironman" brought a lot of awareness in the Houston area about congenital anomalies, but as I looked around, I have not noticed others that were willing to take up the cause as fast as I had hoped for.  This led me to consider the huge challenge to finish Ironman events around the U.S.  I felt, if others are not willing to do it, then I will just have to do it on my own.  I prayed that others would support my efforts by contributing to the journey with donations that would pay for the campaign while helping support other families affected by congenital anomalies.  Unfortunately, only a handful of "others" were willing to support the mission.

A good friend explained to me that he has heard several people say they were tired of hearing about my journey and was turned off by me asking for votes to get into the Ironman World Championship through the Kona Inspired program.  Somehow people had the perception that this was about me more than it was about helping others and hoping that others would join me.  Somehow my motives have been questioned and it is as if all of my awareness efforts were now not only producing the fruit I expected, but somehow poisoning the whole awareness mission Shawn's Anomaly.

Although my family's story has been in the forefront of the Shawn's Anomaly awareness campaign, and my son's recovery is honored through the name of the organization and my personal journey, I can assure you, that I never wanted this to be about me, and frankly, I did not even want it to be about my son.  The mission is to help other families dealing with congenital anomalies and to reduce the number of congenital anomalies through awareness and research.  I deeply apologize if you felt any other way by my actions.

With all that being said in what was probably a horrible way (if you are even still reading), I have decided that the only way to prevent this being about my son, my family, and me is to end the "Shawn's Ironman" journey unless, for some reason, I get selected through the lottery program to compete in the Ironman World Championship in the future.

I will also continue to encourage others to attempt the impossible and help as many individual families that are affected by congenital anomalies as my family has the capacity to help.  I will continue to tell the stories of athletes that choose Shawn's Anomaly and the families that benefit from the fundraising efforts by contributing to the Shawn's Anomaly blog and videos.

Although the "Shawn's Ironman" story is ending the Shawn's Anomaly mission continues, and I will continue with my responsibilities of chairman/founder of the non-profit.  I will also use the endurance events that I am already signed up for the Ironman 70.3 New Orleans, Ironman Lake Placid, and Ironman Florida to raise money for three specific families dealing with congenital anomalies as long as I can stay healthy and injury free.

There is currently a fundraiser to help get the Pratt family's medical needs revolved around the Ironman 70.3 New Orleans.  I ask that you please donate to the Pratt family to help pay for needed treatments and medical equipment by going to fundraising website and giving $5 and individually telling 5 people you know about their story and asking them to do the same thing.  Their fundraising site is http://www.indiegogo.com/SAPrattPack5

What is going to happen to this blog?  I am not sure, and to be honest, I rarely get any feedback from you, the reader, to know if you would even want me to continue.  However, I know God will reveal what He wants me to do with it.  No matter what, I am "Shawn's Ironman" and that is something that can never be taken away!

Thank you to all of those that have followed this blog, encouraged me along the way, donated, and the athletes that still to this day take up Shawn's Anomaly's mission as their Reason2Race.

Here is my final plea to all potential donors and athletes.  Please consider giving to the Shawn's Anomaly Mission or signing up for your personal fundraising page to raise money through your athletic events.  Without you, Shawn's Anomaly will continue do live up to the best potential that a shoestring budget allows.  Don't just say that you can, or you will.... DO!  There are too many deserving families out there that need your help and so many want to help, but we just don't follow through with an action. I encourage you to be the change you want to see.  I challenge you to take the pledge:

I Can, I Will...