I am so excited to announce a new chance to get to Kona, and it is up to you to get me there!
It is called Kona Inspired. WTC asked people to submit a video that shows the Ironman mantra "Anything Is Possible"!
I submitted my video today but I need your help. WTC will decide the finalist based on views and votes. I ask that you please go to the link below and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, for my video. You can vote once a day, so keep coming back. It takes just a few seconds of your day. Please share/email all your friends about voting as well.
I feel we have a really good chance. The voting closes on May 31st, so please tell as many people as you can. Like I said, a few seconds of your day can really go a long way to getting me to Kona to become "Shawn's Ironman"