Rachel McNeill of KPRC Channel 2 will be doing a story on us and Shawn's Anomaly at the S.C.O.P.E 5K this weekend.
It was just two short years ago, at this very race, when I decided to attempt the impossible of becoming an Ironman Triathlete. Never could I have imagined what would have happened since that finish. I felt that it was only fitting to pay tribute to this race by strollering Shawn across the finish line. You can honor this occasion with me by donating to the Shawn's Anomaly Medical Research Fund, coming out to support us at the finish line, or run right beside us during the event. You can registure now online or onsite at the day of the race.
For more information or to register for the race and run with Shawn and me, go to http://www.mdanderson.org/how-you-can-help/other-ways-to-help/scope-run/index.html
Hope to see you there!
P.S. For all my fellow Ironman trainees, I am also planning a century ride to Galveston via Surfside Beach afterwards, so you can join me for that and you will not miss your Saturday ride.