Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Shawn's Anomaly Website Under Construction and You Can Help...

I want to thank www.hostgator.com for joining us on our journey and offering to host the new Shawn's Anomaly webpage that is currently under construction.  They have definately steped up for Shawn's Anomaly, but we also need your help...  
Take an hour out of of your time over the next two weeks to research websites that you find "flashy","attractive", and has good content that you think we should incorporate in our new webpage design.

It can be another foundation or charites website, or it could be just about any website out there.  If you like it, and you find it good marketing, we want to know about it. 

Go to www.shawnsanomaly.org and find our more info about Shawn's Anomaly

Research other websites and pick 2 or 3 you find the most attractive and would benefit the design of the Shawn's Anomaly mission

Email Mike Myers @ michael.t.myers@gmail.com with your suggested websites and anymore ideas that may have popped in your head while researching.

That's It!

Your help is greatly appreciated and you will be able to walk away with a sense of pride knowing that your research may help thousands of children to overcome their birth anomalies just like Shawn has. 
Thank you again and looking forward to your suggestions.